
Our deeply exploratory interviews generate high quality data, delivered by experienced practitioners in their respective fields. These data are more costly than those scraped from publicly available sources. Here’s why:

  1. Expertise-Driven Process: Expert practitioners command a premium for consulting their rich knowledge, while eliciting truly comprehensive responses requires significant time and skill.
  2. Quality over Quantity: Our approach to data collection prioritizes quality, extracting profound insights from select, highly qualified interviewees.
  3. Unique Challenges: Identifying and engaging the right expert interviewees is a complex task and is essential for ensuring the depth and integrity of the data.

Pricing Structure

  • To ensure the economic feasibility of producing this premium data product, the baseline price is $0.5 per word, reflecting the cost associated with building new, high-value datasets.
  • This price may vary depending on the market rates for consulting various experts.

Paths to ROI for Customers

Although the price is justified from the seller’s perspective, the ROI for the buyer may be questionable. Here are some benefits in that regard:

  • Direct Commercial Application: Value for companies requiring specialized industrial AI assistants for training, safety, and procedural consultation. This data may enable companies to put your systems in the hands of their workers. Prevention of costly mistakes or injuries could justify the cost many times over.
  • First-Mover Advantage: There may be a competetive advantage in having an AI that actually understands specific technical domains which heretofore have been scarcely documented.
  • Advancing AI Systems: The novel information patterns captured in common sense knowledge that humans take for granted could help models develop more robust reasoning capabilities.